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Sachin @sachin841

I learn and share the knowledge

SQL Basic Commands: Delete, Update, Alter And Aggregate Functions

SQL basics: `DELETE`, `UPDATE`, `ALTER TABLE` & more! Learn how to delete tables, update data, change table structure, use `AS`, `CONCAT`, `DISTINCT`, `COUNT`, and `SUM` in SQL queries.

Stop Prop Drilling With Context API In React

We stopped prop drilling by using Context API. Prop drilling occurs when data is passed through multiple components (e.g. App -> Card -> User -> Date). Context API manages state and shares it across nested comps, eliminating prop drilling.

Understanding React Components And JSX Rules For Web Development

Components are reusable code blocks that return HTML, following JSX rules: camelCase attributes, closed elements, and expressions in curly brackets. Props pass data from parent to child components, while state stores dynamic data with useState Hook.